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Sunday, July 20, 2008

MY Dark Knight review

Warning major Spoiler ahead!

How far would you go to make a point?

That basically the underline motivation behind The Dark Knight. Sure their reference to the Iraq war all over the movie but that not the main theme. If you have to look for any link with any other movie I would say Fight Club. The Joker is going on his own version of Tyler Durden project mayhem. His goal his really clear ordinary life is boring to death so you might has well create a shitload of chaos. The joker mayhem is a comment on how aphetic human civilization can be and how dangerous this attitudes is. And the irony is the peoples of Gotham prove him right.  

The Joker does not give a damn about anything and anybody least of all himself and for that he his pure. That the core message how do you fight somebody who main motivation is to burn the world down just to make a point? You can't you will end up loosing the war even if you win the fight. Even his own death is part of that sort of madmen strategy it just one more step toward his main goal.

Because the main goal of this sort of deranged individual is not to destroy you but to force you to change yourself internally in order to fight back. Sound familiar well it should be since we live in a world where the JOKERS have done just that and what did we do? We did exactly what the madmen wanted turn ourselves into something that we were not in order to fight them. And it work so well for us right....

So is this movie worth the 12 bucks? Hell yeah it even worth seeing it back in theatres again and getting the Blue-Ray disk when they release it six month from now!

The dark knight is not really a super hero movie take the make-up the gadget and the cape out and you still got a solid techno thriller. The tragedy is that Heath Ledger solid maybe even Oscar worthy performance is it last. At best Ledger will achieve James Dean like cult status. Sad he could have done so many more roles worthy of such talent... 

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